Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Abused. Afraid. Alone.

Knowing she should leave her abusive husband, but lacking the courage and self-confidence to do so, Sharla* stayed. Until…she found out he was sexually abusing their daughter, as well.

With her now ex-husband in prison, Sharla moved away from the area and homeschools her young daughter.

She has just a small amount of disability income to live on and is usually able to pay all her bills. But every few months, she comes to Catholic Charities in need of assistance.

Providing help. Creating hope.
A big part of the assistance for Sharla is our Budget Basics classes in Tell City – a curriculum designed specifically for Catholic Charities with classes taught by experts in finance and other related fields. In addition to necessary budget skills, we teach the connection between personal decisions resulting in either good or bad consequences. If an enrolled individual does not complete the class or required homework, emergency assistance funds from Catholic Charities will not be available to them for a period of three years.

Sharla is proceeding through the classes wonderfully and has already found ways to cut expenses. She was also encouraged to use her talents at making crafts to bring in a little more income, so she eagerly contacted local craft stores and will have a table at craft fairs this fall to sell her items.

Sharla is on the road to a more self-sufficient life – and her little girl is thriving.

Often, through no fault of their own, our neighbors are unable to make ends meet.
Together, we are making a difference.

For more information about Catholic Charities, please visit us online.

*Not her real name.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"I'm Hungry"

It’s a common phrase, isn’t it? You will likely hear a co-worker, friend, or child express it during the course of a week; or even proclaim it yourself during a busy day. Yet for most of us, “I’m hungry” means we walk to the refrigerator, or break room, or pull up at the nearest drive-thru and satisfy our need. Not so for far too many in our communities.
According to Feeding America, 1 in 6 Americans struggles with hunger. Read that again. Let it sink in.
1 in 6.
This is not your average “I’m hungry” situation. This represents children going to bed with growling tummies. Parents struggling to pay utilities while keeping food on the table – but unable to do both.
For those of us who can meet our hunger needs and cravings at a moment’s notice, we are in the perfect position to extend the love of Christ to those who simply cannot.
Did you know September is Hunger Action month? What a great time to put yourself in someone else's shoes by taking the Hunger Challenge. Join Catholic Charities at the United Way Hunger Challenge Facebook page. During the week of September 15-21, see if you can you eat on just $4.52 a day or $31.70 for one week.

Then contact your local Catholic Charities to see how YOU can help alleviate “I’m hungry” all year long.