Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Providing Access to Affordable Housing to Women & Children in Need

All across Indiana, there is a lack of safe, affordable housing options for one of the most vulnerable populations – women and children. Not only is there a lack of access but also a lack of total care needed through housing programs.

Many times when a family becomes homeless it is not for lack of income, it is the lack of having sufficient income with access to supportive services. Catholic Charities has seen families affected by this time and again. And we exist to serve all of these families in need – sometimes with multiple services, and sometimes with just one. 

One example comes from a resident at St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities in New Albany, Indiana. Sarah* was not in need of all the support the transition home provided but was unable to move into fair market rent housing. Sarah also needed access to therapy and case management, which would have been more difficult, if not impossible, to maintain if she moved out completely. St. Elizabeth saw this need and addressed it in the form of creating a new program called Affordable Supportive Housing (ASH).

The ASH Program started in 2013 with buying a small home behind St. Elizabeth’s transition home. Soon after, St. Elizabeth also purchased a 4-plex housing unit with individual 4 apartments. Sarah was able to quickly move into the home with her small daughter. To this day she remains in the home, working towards moving into either fair market rent or, more importantly, buying her own home.
Without the support of Catholic Charities programs like ASH, families will not have success in moving into fair market housing. 

Catholic Charities: Providing help. Creating hope. Serving All.
*Names changed

Monday, August 11, 2014

Providing Caregiver Support

At Catholic Charities, we see so many people come to us living in a challenging situation. Often, they have done nothing wrong, but rather, something has changed in their world and they cannot make it on their own. That’s why we exist – to provide help, create hope and serve all – no matter the situation. To serve people in need… like Joyce* and John*

Joyce was referred to the Catholic Charities in Indianapolis Caregiver Support Program by a social worker with Eskenazi Health House Calls for Seniors because she was in need of grab bars. Joyce's caregiving journey began 5 years ago. Joyce had just retired when her friend John had his first stroke. She became his Power Of Attorney (POA) and felt that the care he was receiving in the long-term care system was inadequate. Out of love and care, Joyce moved John into her home. At the time, Joyce was 66-years-old and John was 68, and although she received assistance through home health services, the physical strain on Joyce was significant, as she suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes. And although John could walk, he required stabilization, assistance getting into the bathtub, help to sit and stand, was nonverbal, and continued to have strokes.

To add to the challenges she was facing, Joyce's 44-year-old son also lived in her house. Although he helped when he could, his two kidney transplants made Joyce reluctant to ask for his physical assistance.  

That's when Joyce contacted the Caregiver Support Program.

The Caregiver Support Program provided help through home modifications: grab bars, a hand held shower, a shower chair, and a fire extinguisher. As a result of the modifications, John is able to do more for himself. Although he still needs assistance, he is now able to participate in his care. And thanks to this new-found independence through home modifications, John has spoken a full sentence for the first time since his first stroke! John is making more progress every day. Joyce appreciates the reduction in physical strain on her body and the relief and care she received from the Caregiver Support Program.

For more information on the Caregiver Support Program and other Catholic Charities services, visit

Catholic Charities: Providing help. Creating Hope. Serving All.

*Names have been changed 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Serving Everyone...EVEN Catholics

You may not have noticed the subtle new addition to our Catholic Charities tagline, "Serving All." For many years now we have simply stated that the purpose of the work that we do is to "Provide Help and Create Hope." This mission remains the same as does the fact that this help and hope is offered to anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or any other distinction except to be a person in need.

However, the most common misconception about Catholic Charities continues to be that you have to be Catholic to receive our services. This has never been the case and never will be! Sometimes we even say in jest, "we serve everyone... EVEN Catholics."

We serve everyone because WE are Catholic, not because our clients are or are not. Our faith compels us to, as Jesus taught us, to regard every human being as a child made in the image and likeness of God and is therefore entitled to our care and concern. The very first tenant of Catholic Social Teaching is the recognition of the inherent dignity of the human person. It is the high regard for all of human life that drives us to seek out the lost and forgotten.

The fact is that most of the time we have no idea about the faith tradition of those we serve. We simply act in such a way that we hope and pray they will have an experience - an encounter - with the Living God, through our staff and volunteers. 

Catholic Charities - Providing Help. Creating Hope. Serving All.


David Siler
Executive Director, Catholic Charities at Archdiocese of Indianapolis