Friday, March 22, 2013

A New Life Awaits

“Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”Romans 6:4

When Christ died on the cross, He did so in order that we might have a new, abundant life – full of joy, peace, love, grace, and freedom. But if this new life is ours in Christ, why do we live a run-down, tired old life? Why do we struggle with sin and pain when we can have communion with the One who overcame it all?

Maybe the reason we do not live this new life is we don’t really believe it is for us. Instead, we see ourselves as people in process. We work on our own strength to change our bad habits and our sinful nature into goodness, but we fail. We fail because we cannot make ourselves whole and new by our own capabilities. The acceptance of Christ and His resurrection is the only thing that can bring us freedom. Sadly, we would rather live as an old creation.

Second Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: The old has gone, and the new has come!”

Christ has given us a new life, and He gives us instructions on how to live it abundantly in His Word. Jesus doesn’t simply want to improve us, He wants to transform us. He will put to death our old sinful nature and fill us with His presence of new life – a life of freedom. How do we get this new life? Not by working for it, reading about it, or going to church. No, we get it by simply asking and trusting in Christ completely.

Give Jesus your heart. A new life is available to you today.

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