Thursday, July 18, 2013

Living in Freedom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
Christ came to set us free – to give us freedom from the captivity of sin. 
Often, we find ourselves living in a prison that we created. This prison is created when we allow our sinful thoughts, words, and behavior to distance us from God. We allow the lies of the enemy to distort who God is and the grace, love, and forgiveness he desires to give us. Believing that we are beyond hope, beyond rescue, and beyond healing, we settle to live as prisoners.
However, our prison has a key. Our captivity is just steps away from freedom. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins so we could live in freedom. But, what does freedom in Christ truly mean? 
It means that God stands by us until we are free. He knows that freedom is a journey, and He chooses to take that journey with us. He often uses challenges to woo us to Himself, but He never forsakes us. God is not scared or turned off or intimidated by the depth or length of our need. Although He never excuses our sin and rebellion, He patiently walks us towards the freedom He has planned for us. Best of all, He knows our hearts and what motivates our actions, and is therefore the only one who can bring us healing and freedom. Yes, healing. God doesn’t “fix” us; He heals us. God’s heart is overflowing with compassion for us in our time of need, but will ultimately wait for us to want to leave the prison we have created for ourselves. 
Our freedom can be found in Christ alone. We can know that “in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) God’s purpose is motivated by an unconditional, unfailing, selfless love. Christ offers us freedom so that we might have life abundantly. Living with a purpose, a plan, and a hope for each day. Living not simply for this world, but for an eternity with him.
Christ came so that you would be set free. Are you living free today?

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