Thursday, February 20, 2014

Developing Relationships of Trust with the Youth in our Community

As a new student at school, Lily was enrolled in Catholic Charities’ Neighborhood Youth Outreach (N.Y.O.) program located at St. Joan of Arc Church/school in Indianapolis to help her adjust to her new situation. She had recently been removed from parental care and placed in the care of an estranged aunt. The situation was traumatic and Lily's attitude clearly reflected the turmoil she had experienced. It was a struggle adjusting to the academic and social demands of her new environment – a new school, a new city, and social interactions with an unfamiliar student population that didn’t mirror her former life experience.
In the beginning, Lily did not like attending the N.Y.O. after-school program and she expressed her dislike in several ways – leaving the facility without the authorization of staff or her guardian, refusing to bring her homework so it could be completed, outbursts of anger, and many moments of being disrespectful. As the N.Y.O. staff worked with Lily and her aunt to help with the adjustment of a new environment, improvements began to take root. The N.Y.O. staff provided help, listened to Lily’s concerns and worries, and she began to feel hope. She knew she was not alone. 
Lily began to respond positively to her teachers, her outbursts were fewer, and her detentions far less frequent. She began completing her homework and class work; and of vital importance, she developed friendships; all while her interaction with the N.Y.O. staff beautifully flourished.
Lily has developed a relationship of trust with our N.Y.O. staff. She communicates her good school days and her bad school days – and while she works very hard not to have bad days, it is always communicated to her that everyone has their ups and downs. Lily has recently emailed her grades to the staff to show her effort and commitment. We are so proud of her growth and determination, and Lily has learned to take pride in a job well done and making wise choices.
For more information about the N.Y.O. program, please contact us at 317-283-6710.

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