was just 12 years old when the Soviet Union fell and his beloved
country of Moldova gained independence and a fresh start. In
the midst of initial excitement, Moldovans experienced the collective
confusion of how to rebuild and start anew. Many regained possession of
family-owned land that had been taken by the Soviets, only to find acre
upon acre overgrown and weed-infested, with no resources to make it
usable or profitable. With a lack of infrastructure, jobs were scarce
and available jobs paid such low wages that most families lived below
the poverty line. Andrei recalls how he watched many adults, devoid of
purpose, literally drink their lives away.
Surrounded by this depression, Andrei found himself vulnerable to this same pattern as he grew into adulthood.
He regrets that he fell victim to this lifestyle for a period of time,
but his life changed when he had a spiritual experience that redirected
the course of his life. As a result of this experience, he found new
purpose in church involvement and actively caring for the disadvantaged
around him. He found that some were receptive to these acts of care,
while others were quite hostile. Andrei was not a member of the Orthodox
Church, and was therefore considered a heretic by many who adhered to
national traditions. He calmly relates that he was even beaten
and stoned for his beliefs - a horror that he later found was to
positively change the fate of his entire family.
his wife, and his three children lived their lives as best they could
in this environment. However, Andrei's heart was breaking as he
envisioned his children's future. In particular, he was concerned for
his firstborn son, who suffers from mental retardation and epilepsy. In
Moldova, such children were denied education and often abandoned by
parents who could neither tolerate nor afford them.
He heard that there were special
programs available for such children in the United States and dreamed
that one day he might be able to provide special care for his son. As fate would have it, he found that his entire family was approved to resettle in th
e United States due to the targeted oppression Andrei had suffered.
Andrei's case was processed with the help of Catholic Charities in Indianapolis.
His sister, who had married a man from America and moved to
Indianapolis, filed a family petition with the assistance of
resettlement staff. When Andrei and his family arrived in Indianapolis,
they brought with them only a few suitcases and the hope for a new life.
provided by Catholic Charities resettlement staff began by greeting
them at the airport upon arrival and taking them to their new apartment.
Over the next few months, Andrei and his family were connected to all necessary resources to start their lives again,
including assistance with food, financial support, medical
appointments, welfare, English classes, disability resources, employment
training and even finding jobs. Additionally, all of Andrei's children
were enrolled in school, including his son who had previously been
unable to attend. Andrei became teary-eyed while recounting it all - he
said, "People are so giving here."
Andrei is currently working as an administrative specialist for a local company, and is delighted to provide for his family.
He expressed his deep gratitude for the services provided by Catholic
Charities, and when asked how he feels about his new life here, he
paused for a moment, smiled, and simply offered, "It's great."